2013년 1월 1일 화요일

cisco voice translation rule setting & testing

cisco voice translation rule setting

Example 1

This example replaces any five-digit number that begins with "40" with the number "6666000".
voice translation-rule 1
 rule 1 /^40.../ /6666000/
router#test voice translation-rule 1 40123
Matched with rule 1
Original number: 40123    Translated number: 6666000

Example 2

This example replaces all numbers with "5554000".
voice translation-rule 2
 rule 1 /.*/ /5554000/
router#test voice translation-rule 2 123
Matched with rule 1
Original number: 123    Translated number: 5554000

router#test voice translation-rule 2 86573
Matched with rule 1
Original number: 86573  Translated number: 5554000

router#test voice translation-rule 2 ""
Matched with rule 1
Original number:   Translated number: 5554000

Example 3

This example provides further detail:
voice translation-rule 1
 rule 1 /^\(12\)3\(45\)$/ /6\1\2/
  • Set 1: 12
  • Set 2: 45
  • Ignore: 3
router#test voice translation-rule 1 12345
Matched with rule 1 
Original number: 12345 Translated number: 61245

Pattern Match with Wildcards

These tables define wildcard and wildcard combinations and show some examples.
.Any single digit
0 to 9,*,#Any specific character
[0-9]Any range or sequence of characters
*Modifier—match none or more occurrences
+Modifier—match one or more occurrences
?Modifier—match none or one occurrence
Wildcard CombinationDefinition
.*Any digit followed by none or more ocurrences. This is effectively anything, including null.
.+Any digit followed by one or more ocurrences. This is effectively anything, except null.
^$No digits, null

Number Slice

You can use number slice when you need to copy parts of a matched number across to the replacement number. You slice the matched number into sets that you can keep or ignore.
\In the match pattern, indicates where to slice up the number.
\In the replacement pattern, indicates where to copy the sets to keep.
( )Indicates which sets in the matched number to keep.
Character UsageDescription
(a\)Keep expression "a".
b\Ignore expression "b".
\1Copy the first set into the replacement number.

Apply Rules

Voice Translation Rules are applied to Voice Translation Profiles. These profiles are then applied to dial peers or voice ports. Profiles can be applied to VoIP or POTS dial peers or voice ports, and can be applied to inbound or outbound calls. A profile can translate Called, Calling, or Redirecting numbers.
voice translation-rule 3 
 rule 1 /123/ /456/ 

voice translation-profile profile1
 translate calling 3 

dial-peer voice 10 pots
 translation-profile outgoing profile1


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