2012년 8월 29일 수요일

[파워포인트] 슬라이드 쇼 모니터 변경하기

프리젠테이션 할때마다 슬라이드 쇼가 다른 모니터에 나와서
프리젠테이션 시작시간이 지연되고 있다. 

이제 검색하기도 귀찮다... 

  1. On the Slide Show menu, click Set Up Show.
  2. Under Multiple monitors, in the Display slide show on: list, 
  3. click the monitor you want the slide show to appear on.

참고 : http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint-help/set-up-a-presentation-to-run-on-a-second-monitor-HP005237175.aspx

2012년 8월 27일 월요일

Ubuntu 12.04 한영키 HUD 중복 문제

갑자기 우분투 사용할 일이 생겨서 Ubuntu 12.04 를 설치했습니다.
전에 10.04 인가를 사용했었던 같은데, 벌써 2년이라는 세월이 흘렀네요..

우분투 버전이 새로 나오는건 좋은데, 그만큼 시간이 흘러간다는게.. ㅠㅠ..

하여튼 우분투를 설치를 완료하고 하니.. 항상 그랬던것 처럼.. 한글에서 문제가...

HUD라는 기능과 한영 전환이 동시에 되네요..

문제 해결은 아래와 같이 하면 됩니다.

시스템설정에서 -키보드-바로가기-실행아이콘에서 허드를 표시할 키를 선택하신후 원하시는 키로 설정하면 됩니다.

위 그림에서 "Key to show the HUD"를 다른 단축키로 변경하시면 됩니다.

Second Hand Bookshop in NSW

IT : a second hand book shop..

Student Association of NSW in Australia provides a second hand bookshop..
If I order books, they will bring books to the nearest TAFE Student Association.
It's really good convinient service..

however, thare are only a few books, so, nothing to buy..
I hope that I will buy IT books there in sometime..

site : http://www.itsasecondhandbook.org.au/home.php

2012년 8월 20일 월요일

Preparation for CCNA

I am preparing for taking CCNA TEST..

so. I introduce several useful site for the test..

  • http://www.9tut.com/ 

There are CCNA Lab Simulations which are very similar to real test...
Everyone says it is enough to take the test..

  • http://www.routeralley.com/ra/index.html

The CISCO book for CCNA is really good for basic knowledge, however it is too much to take the CCNA test. If you go to the alley's site, there are shout version of the book. It cover all the contents preparing a ccna test. Also, the site provides many material about a router and a switch. visit the site and have a look...

  • http://www.examcollection.com/

There are a lot of exam dump files including cisco, microsoft, CompTIA and PMI as well. I strongly recommend this site to anyone preparing any exam for certificate. 

우분투에서 VI 명령어 commands

General Startup

To exit vi and save changes: ZZ   or  :wq
To exit vi without saving changes: :q!
To enter vi command mode: [esc]

        A number preceding any vi command tells vi to repeat that command that many times.

Cursor Movement

h       move left (backspace)
j       move down
k       move up
l       move right (spacebar)
[return]   move to the beginning of the next line
$       last column on the current line
0       move cursor to the first column on the current line
^       move cursor to first nonblank column on the current line
w       move to the beginning of the next word or punctuation mark
W       move past the next space
b       move to the beginning of the previous word or punctuation mark
B       move to the beginning of the previous word,ignores punctuation
e       end of next word or punctuation mark
E       end of next word, ignoring punctuation
H       move cursor to the top of the screen
M       move cursor to the middle of the screen
L       move cursor to the bottom of the screen

  Screen Movement

       G        move to the last line in the file
       xG       move to line x
       z+       move current line to top of screen
       z        move current line to the middle of screen
       z-       move current line to the bottom of screen
       ^F       move forward one screen
       ^B       move backward one line
       ^D       move forward one half screen
       ^U       move backward one half screen
       ^R       redraw screen
                  ( does not work with VT100 type terminals )
       ^L       redraw screen
                  ( does not work with Televideo terminals )


       r        replace character under cursor with next character typed
       R        keep replacing character until [esc] is hit
       i        insert before cursor
       a        append after cursor
       A        append at end of line
       O        open line above cursor and enter append mode

x       delete character under cursordd      delete line under cursordw      delete word under cursor
db      delete word before cursor

Copying Code

       yy      (yank)'copies' line which may then be put by the p(put) command. Precede with a count for multiple lines.

Put Command
        brings back previous deletion or yank of lines, words, or characters

        P       bring back before cursor
        p       bring back after cursor

Find Commands

        ?       finds a word going backwards
        /       finds a word going forwards
        f       finds a character on the line under the cursor going forward
        F       finds a character on the line under the cursor going backwards
         t       find a character on the current line going forward and stop one character before it
        T       find a character on the current line going backward and stop one character before it
        ; repeat last f, F, t, T

Miscellaneous Commands

. repeat last command

u undoes last command issued

U undoes all commands on one line

xp deletes first character and inserts after
second (swap)

J join current line with the next line

^G display current line number

% if at one parenthesis, will jump to its mate

mx mark current line with character x

'x find line marked with character x

NOTE: Marks are internal and not written to the file.

Line Editor Mode
Any commands form the line editor ex can be issued
upon entering line mode.

To enter: type ':'

To exit: press[return] or [esc]

ex Commands
For a complete list consult the
UNIX Programmer's Manual

copies (reads) filename after cursor in file
currently editing

:r filename


:w saves the current file without quitting


:# move to line #

:$ move to last line of file

executes 'cmd' as a shell command.


there are a lot of commands in vi.

however, I use only a few commands which is

a : append
i : insert

dd : delete a line
x ; delete a character

yy : copy a line
p : paste

if you need more commands, see the link below
http://www.cs.rit.edu/~cslab/vi.html (english)
http://gyuha.tistory.com/157 (korean)

what this blog is for ...

I made this blog for my computer knowledge..

I will gather all the information about computer which include using OS(windows, linux), programming(C#, JAVA)..